Mary's Fabulous Chicken & Fish

Mary's Fabulous Chicken & Fish

Restaurants in Howell, MI

Restaurants Caterers

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2429 E Grand River Ave,
Howell , MI 48843 UNITED STATES


Mary's Fabulous Chicken & Fish 517-548-3615
2429 E Grand River Ave,
Howell , MI 48843 UNITED STATES
Mary's Fabulous Chicken & Fish 4

Based on 1 reviews

Mary's Fabulous Chicken & Fish 517-548-3615
2429 E Grand River Ave,
Howell , MI 48843 UNITED STATES
4 5

Best Fish & Chips

Mary's has the best fish and chips around! The chicken is also good and the service is fast! I would recommend choosing Mary's over fast food chains like KFC. Support local busines!
posted at 03/04/10

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Mary's Fabulous Chicken & Fish
4.0 (1 reviews)
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