Hovson Tires & Automotive Center

Hovson Tires & Automotive Center

Auto Repair in Los Angeles, CA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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4385 W Sunset Blvd,
Los Angeles , CA 90029 UNITED STATES

About Hovson Tires & Automotive Center

Our trained & talented Los Angeles, CA Auto Repair specialists are here to help you. At Hovson Tires & Automotive Center, we understand your frustration and will get the job done right the first time.


Hovson Tires & Automotive Center 323-212-5764
4385 W Sunset Blvd,
Los Angeles , CA 90029 UNITED STATES
Hovson Tires & Automotive Center 1

Based on 1 reviews

Hovson Tires & Automotive Center 323-212-5764
4385 W Sunset Blvd,
Los Angeles , CA 90029 UNITED STATES
1 5

Hovson's- the WORST!

I began visiting Hovson's in March 2007. During my first visit I asked that they please find out why the check engine light on my car would not shut-off. In the months which followed, I visited the shop 1 to 4 times a month. These frequent, monthy visits continued for more than a year.

The motor which was replaced in the passenger side door, once again became inoperative in 9/08.
Tires placed on the car in 5/07, were all completely worn out 1 year earlier. Recently, Good Year replaced these.
My car again requires a tune-up though one was performed in 8/07.
Hovson's was unable to find what was causing the smell of oil to permeate the interior of my car, though they checked on and off for a period of 6 months. The engine was cleaned and oil refilled but to no avail. Earlier this year, I visited AAMCO in the city of Glendale, CA, and within 30 minutes they located the broken gasket through which oil was leaking. The leak was so extensive, it had covered the lower portions of my engine with oil and had caused corrosion to form on my battery terminals. Interestingly enough, Hovson had said that the corrosion was due to my not checking my terminals, periodically. Huh?
In 10/08, the owner and his son informed me that my car needs a new or a rebuilt transmission. The owner said, it would cost a minimum of $2000 to start the repairs. Seconds later, he said that he did not know what type of work was required as he had not "opened the transmission." Then how did he know I have transmission problems and how could he quote a cost to repair.

Avoid this dishonest establishment. The state's Bureau of Auto Repair spoke to the Vic, the owner's son, who admitted they were not qualifed to correct the problem affected the check engine light. Why then did they charge me for alleged inspections and repairs?
posted at 01/05/09

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