Sonia R. Bautista DMD

Sonia R. Bautista DMD

Dentists in Eureka, California


Contact us


1773 Harrison Avenue,
Eureka , California 95501 UNITED STATES

About Sonia R. Bautista DMD

Sonia R. Bautista DMD is a full-service dental practice in Eureka, CA offering a variety of general, cosmetic, and restorative services. Please visit our website to learn about our experienced, caring staff or to see a list of procedures we provide. To schedule your next dental appointment please use our online request form or contact our office. Our team looks forward to helping you reach your oral health goals!


Sonia R. Bautista DMD 707-443-5105
1773 Harrison Avenue,
Eureka , California 95501 UNITED STATES
Sonia R. Bautista DMD

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Sonia R. Bautista DMD
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root canal therapy,  emergency dentistry,  dental restorations cosmetic dentistry
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Sonia R. Bautista DMD

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