Tire Factory

Tire Factory

Auto Repair in Eugene, OR

Auto Repair Tires Auto Parts and Accessories

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570 Fillmore St,
Eugene , OR 97402 UNITED STATES


Tire Factory 541-342-7749
570 Fillmore St,
Eugene , OR 97402 UNITED STATES
Tire Factory 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Tire Factory 541-342-7749
570 Fillmore St,
Eugene , OR 97402 UNITED STATES
4 5

Good tire store!

Nice sales people. Good prices and great tires. It must be hard to compete with Les schwab, but they are doing it! Once I paid to get an evaluation on a car I was thinking of buying used. They told me...
posted at 11/29/10
Tire Factory 541-342-7749
570 Fillmore St,
Eugene , OR 97402 UNITED STATES
5 5

Kim T

The Tire Factory has the best service as well as great prices. The owner, Roy, treats you the same way he would want to be treated. What more could you ask for!
posted at 09/08/10

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Tire Factory
Auto Repair
4.5 (2 reviews)
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