Tires For Less

Tires For Less

Auto Repair in Erie, Pennsylvania

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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2147 West 12th Street,
Erie , Pennsylvania 16505 UNITED STATES

About Tires For Less

Tires For Less is your one-stop choice for our full line of quality tires, wheels, top of the line replacement parts, and auto services for all your passenger car, light truck & SUV needs. As an authorized MICHELIN, BFGoodrich & Uniroyal dealer, we have full availability of most major tire brands. We offer a full range of services including PA State Inspections, emission inspections, alignments, brakes, oil changes & more to fill a full range of your tire & service needs in one convenient stop.


Tires For Less 814-455-2342
2147 West 12th Street,
Erie , Pennsylvania 16505 UNITED STATES
Tires For Less 5

Based on 1 reviews

Tires For Less 814-455-2342
2147 West 12th Street,
Erie , Pennsylvania 16505 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Tires in Erie! Lifesaver!

I could not be happier about the amazing service the guys at Tires For Less were able to provide! I was in Erie for the day and I blew out a snow tire. Mark from the store was INCREDIBLE! He sent someone out to my car, replaced the tire...
posted at 05/05/11

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Company name
Tires For Less
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
auto repair,  automotive services,  tires wheels
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