Mexico Lindo Restaurant

Mexico Lindo Restaurant

Restaurants in Cloquet, MN

Restaurants Tex-Mex Restaurants

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915 Cloquet Ave,
Cloquet , MN 55720 UNITED STATES


Mexico Lindo Restaurant 218-879-7171
915 Cloquet Ave,
Cloquet , MN 55720 UNITED STATES
Mexico Lindo Restaurant 4

Based on 2 reviews

Mexico Lindo Restaurant 218-879-7171
915 Cloquet Ave,
Cloquet , MN 55720 UNITED STATES
4 5

Authentic, Awesome

The food here is authentic and delicious. My only complaint with the food is that there can be quite a bit of grease.\r
One of our waitresses complained once that she couldn't understand the chefs -- they only spoke Spanish. Which,...
posted at 04/19/11
Mexico Lindo Restaurant 218-879-7171
915 Cloquet Ave,
Cloquet , MN 55720 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great restaurant

The food and environment is great. I haven't had a meal there that i wasn't satisfied with. I have, however, found myself waiting a little too long for my food. But then again it was quite busy so it's understandable. This place is a must...
posted at 04/05/10

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Mexico Lindo Restaurant
4.0 (2 reviews)
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Mexico Lindo Restaurant

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