Sammy's  Pizza &Restaurant

Sammy's Pizza &Restaurant

Restaurants in Hibbing, MN

Restaurants Pizza Italian Restaurants

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106 E Howard St,
Hibbing , MN 55746 UNITED STATES

About Sammy's Pizza &Restaurant


Sammy's Pizza &Restaurant 218-326-8551
106 E Howard St,
Hibbing , MN 55746 UNITED STATES
Sammy's Pizza &Restaurant 5

Based on 2 reviews

Sammy's Pizza &Restaurant 218-326-8551
106 E Howard St,
Hibbing , MN 55746 UNITED STATES
5 5

Awesome Pizza

Come hungry. The pizza is super tasty. Plan to have some strawberry soda with your meal ~ it is a tradition. Great space for meeting with a group of friends or family.
posted at 03/24/10
Sammy's Pizza &Restaurant 218-326-8551
106 E Howard St,
Hibbing , MN 55746 UNITED STATES
5 5

Absolute Worlds Best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have traveled the planet and no pizza comes close to Sammy's. I have bought plane tickets from Prescott AZ to fly in for the sole purpose of eating at Sammy's. Just writing this is causing a Pavlovian response!!!!! You cannot get a...
posted at 05/11/10

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Sammy's Pizza &Restaurant
5.0 (2 reviews)
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