Bistro Montage

Bistro Montage

Restaurants in Des Moines, IA

Restaurants French Restaurants

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2724 Ingersoll Ave,
Des Moines , IA 50312 UNITED STATES


Bistro Montage 515-557-1924
2724 Ingersoll Ave,
Des Moines , IA 50312 UNITED STATES
Bistro Montage 3

Based on 1 reviews

Bistro Montage 515-557-1924
2724 Ingersoll Ave,
Des Moines , IA 50312 UNITED STATES
3 5

Not Our Favorite French Restaurant

Carol and I had mixed feelings about our first dining experience at Bistro Montage. The service was not ve...
posted at 06/27/11

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Bistro Montage
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