Santa Anita Church

Santa Anita Church

Churches in Arcadia, CA


Contact us


226 W Colorado Blvd,
Arcadia , CA 91007 UNITED STATES

About Santa Anita Church

We are a non-denominational, New Thought community of faith and fellowship, committed to the idea that the power of love can transform our beings and renew the face of the Earth. Our members come from a rich diversity of spiritual traditions, cultural backgrounds, and life experiences. We embrace our differences and utilize them to help each other along our unique paths to becoming loving, joyful people. Our desire to enjoy a direct experience of God is intrinsic to life. As we practice fellowship, prayer, and service together, we fulfill our destiny: To awaken to God, present in all of us, the true source of our being.


Santa Anita Church 626-446-8206
226 W Colorado Blvd,
Arcadia , CA 91007 UNITED STATES
Santa Anita Church

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Santa Anita Church
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Santa Anita Church

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