Associates in Optometry

Associates in Optometry

Eye doctors & Optometrists in Urbana, OH

Eye doctors & Optometrists

Contact us


303 N Main,
Urbana , OH 43078 UNITED STATES

About Associates in Optometry

"If you are looking for quality care with a personal touch, give us a call"

Associates in Optometry offers 2 convenient locations to serve you, Urbana and Springfield. Patients come from Champaign, Logan, Springfield & Union Counties.

Our Doctors: Dr James D. Grove OD, Dr John R Collins OD, and Tony Gaver, Optician along with qualified staff will help you and your family with your vision needs.

Our services include:
* Bifocal Contacts
* Transitions Lenses
* Frames of all styles and Budgets
* Treatment of Eye Disease & Injury
* Diabetic & Lasik Exams
* Children's Vision Testing

Our offices can process emergency prescriptions with our on-site lab. We accept all major credit cards. Most insurance and welfare plans are accepted.

Call today, new patients are welcome.


Associates in Optometry 937-653-5228
303 N Main,
Urbana , OH 43078 UNITED STATES
Associates in Optometry

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Associates in Optometry
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Associates in Optometry

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