The Refuge

The Refuge

Churches in Lexington, SC

Churches Non For Profit Organizations

Contact us


711 East Main St, A3
Lexington , SC 29072 UNITED STATES

About The Refuge

The Refuge exists as a place to worship for the Lord. We are a venue for you to come and use the gifts God has given you. A place to fellowship and worship with other believers.The mission of The Refuge is to be a place of refuge to those who are weary in the world. With a primary focus on youth, young adults, and hey...they young at heart! :) Everyone is welcome! The Refuge is a place where vision and a passion for excellence will be fostered as all those who come seeking refuge will find truth and encouragement. At The Refuge you will find who you are, you will find your value and your purpose. We will learn together how to live and move and embrace our being. (Acts 17:28) The Refuge is a place of equipping. "For the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ "(Eph.4:12)

In addition to weekly worship and spiritual education we offer opportunities for Learning such as Sustainable Food Sources, healthy living; Junior Achievement, Art, Music, Concerts, Financial Classes, Cooking, Food Preservation, and more. And Opportunities to be a part of Helps in the community and nation with local outreaches and mission trips to serve those in need. We look forward to offering after & before school programs & summer day camps!

....there is hope and a future.... ....come to The Refuge....

711 East Main Street
Building #A3 -across from The Cotton Grill- In The Old Mill - Lexington, SC 29072

Please come around, up the hill, The Refuge is located on the far side of the building, follow the ramp!


The Refuge 803-447-4609
711 East Main St, A3
Lexington , SC 29072 UNITED STATES
The Refuge 5

Based on 1 reviews

The Refuge 803-447-4609
711 East Main St, A3
Lexington , SC 29072 UNITED STATES
5 5

The Refuge is an awesome place to worship God and to learn of Him!
posted at 06/03/12

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The Refuge
5.0 (1 reviews)
youth,  american family fitness,  clothing
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The Refuge

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