Brick Street Coffee Break

Brick Street Coffee Break

Restaurants in Sumter, SC

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9 Caldwell St,
Sumter , SC 29150 UNITED STATES


Brick Street Coffee Break 803-773-4433
9 Caldwell St,
Sumter , SC 29150 UNITED STATES
Brick Street Coffee Break 2

Based on 1 reviews

Brick Street Coffee Break 803-773-4433
9 Caldwell St,
Sumter , SC 29150 UNITED STATES
2 5

NEW and "improved"? :(

I used to love this place, but since the reopening under new ownership, I'm greatly disappointed! the prices are about the same, but you get a lot less for the money. The cozy and inviting atmosphere has been replaced with a more...
posted at 07/18/11

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Brick Street Coffee Break
2.0 (1 reviews)
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Brick Street Coffee Break

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