Kroger Law Offices

Kroger Law Offices

Lawyers and Law Firms in Morgantown, WV

Lawyers and Law Firms

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1137 Van Voorhis, Suite 43
Morgantown , WV 26505 UNITED STATES

About Kroger Law Offices

Kroger Law Offices are dedicated to providing effective and aggressive representation to clients in Monongalia, Marion, Harrison, Preston, and Taylor Counties. Thomas W. Kroger, Esq. successfully represents clients accused of misdemeanors and felonies including DUI/DWI, drug violations, and crimes of violence along with family law Issues such as divorce, child support/child custody, and adoption. Kroger Law Offices also accepts clients in personal injury cases including wrongful death, auto accidents, and slip and falls.


Kroger Law Offices 304-685-4526
1137 Van Voorhis, Suite 43
Morgantown , WV 26505 UNITED STATES
Kroger Law Offices

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