HGH Construction

HGH Construction

Contractors in Chattanooga, TN

Contractors Home Remodeling

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179 Hamm Rd,
Chattanooga , TN 37405 UNITED STATES

About HGH Construction

HGH Construction is committed to meeting the unique needs of each client by providing a consistent construction platform that is grounded in the tradition of building as a craft, embraces the innovations of modern building technology and brings a level of fun and creativity to each construction partnership we enter. Our objective is to build relationships with our clients based on trust in the idea that we are expert in our field and as such our construction process is not only highly effective in servicing the requirements of our clients goals but leads to the most effective solutions to our clients’ needs. Our team of specialists are passionate about making your home exactly as you’ve always envisioned it.


HGH Construction 423-267-9444
179 Hamm Rd,
Chattanooga , TN 37405 UNITED STATES
HGH Construction

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