H&S Radiator Repair Co

H&S Radiator Repair Co

Auto Repair in Marion, IA

Auto Repair

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2708 5th Av,
Marion , IA 52302 UNITED STATES

About H&S Radiator Repair Co

H & S Radiator Repair Co provides automotive radiator and HVAC repairs to Marion, Cedar Rapids, and the surrounding areas of Linn County.


H&S Radiator Repair Co 319-254-4007
2708 5th Av,
Marion , IA 52302 UNITED STATES
H&S Radiator Repair Co 4

Based on 2 reviews

H&S Radiator Repair Co 319-254-4007
2708 5th Av,
Marion , IA 52302 UNITED STATES
4 5

Kealoha Brown

They say look for the bang for your buck and this is the place to get it. We are in a recession, therefore I did not appreciate getting cursed at for searching for the most inexpensive parts for my caddi. So if this is the type of...
posted at 03/21/11
H&S Radiator Repair Co 319-254-4007
2708 5th Av,
Marion , IA 52302 UNITED STATES
4 5

H&S Radiator is #1

H&S Radiator is the best They are not only very affordable but fast and friendly! not only did they fix my Radiator but they fixed it right I highly recommended that you call there first before you go any where else. I think they do A/C...
posted at 11/30/10

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H&S Radiator Repair Co
Auto Repair
4.0 (2 reviews)
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