Ihop Restaurant

Ihop Restaurant

Restaurants in Cedar Rapids, IA

Restaurants American Restaurants

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2545 Edgewood Rd SW,
Cedar Rapids , IA 52404 UNITED STATES


Ihop Restaurant 319-390-0077
2545 Edgewood Rd SW,
Cedar Rapids , IA 52404 UNITED STATES
Ihop Restaurant 2.5

Based on 2 reviews

Ihop Restaurant 319-390-0077
2545 Edgewood Rd SW,
Cedar Rapids , IA 52404 UNITED STATES
1 5

IHOP Edgewood Cedar Rapids

The hostess said they do not have patty sausage and have not had patty sausage in months, when I was there the week prior and ordered it. She then called us liars.
posted at 05/08/11
Ihop Restaurant 319-390-0077
2545 Edgewood Rd SW,
Cedar Rapids , IA 52404 UNITED STATES
4 5

everything's changed so much!

i started working at IHOP about a year ago and when I started it was my first job that i'd had. I started when i was seventeen and i must admit the restaurant was in poor shape when i started working there. Management was sloppy and so...
posted at 05/25/10

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Ihop Restaurant
2.5 (2 reviews)
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