Jim Lind Service

Jim Lind Service

Auto Repair in Waterloo, IA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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230 E Ridgeway Ave,
Waterloo , IA 50702 UNITED STATES

About Jim Lind Service

Jim Lind Service has been in business for over 35 years. It started as both brothers in the business, but Jim now runs and owns the business. This business has the greatest help anyone could ask for. They give top notch service and have quality craftsmanship in the work they deliver to their clients. If you need to leave your vehicle for the day they also have loaner vehicles available for your use. They even have a full-service gas stall in today's world. Again, an awesome service. Need anything from oil and lube to wheel alignment, Jim Lind Service can do it. Transmission, brakes, tires, and evening towing. Make sure when you visit that you sign up for your fuel rewards card to even save yourself more money on today's low gas prices. They also accept Hy-Vee's fuel rewards card saver as well. They keep all profiles on the maintenance of your vehicle so they can answer any questions of past, present and future needs of your vehicle.


Jim Lind Service 319-234-0457
230 E Ridgeway Ave,
Waterloo , IA 50702 UNITED STATES
Jim Lind Service 5

Based on 1 reviews

Jim Lind Service 319-234-0457
230 E Ridgeway Ave,
Waterloo , IA 50702 UNITED STATES
5 5


Some of the best techs in town. Have maintained my truck for years, 208,000 miles and going strong.
posted at 05/28/10

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Jim Lind Service
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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