Wyoming Recovery

Wyoming Recovery

Health and Medical in Casper, WY

Health and Medical Counseling & Mental Health Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine

Contact us


231 S Wilson St.,
Casper , WY 82601 UNITED STATES

About Wyoming Recovery

Wyoming Recovery has been treating patients with addiction illnesses since 1996. By adapting recovery principles to an individual’s learning style, health status, employee/employer relationship and home life, our treatment offers a one-of-a-kind philosophy, resulting in successful outcomes and affordable costs. Our setting is a comfortable and warm environment fostering recovery and a quality of life for our patients. Wyoming Recovery is not a lock-down facility. We offer an open setting and encourage communication and involvement in community activities and recovery programs.


Wyoming Recovery 307-265-3791
231 S Wilson St.,
Casper , WY 82601 UNITED STATES
Wyoming Recovery

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Company name
Wyoming Recovery
Health and Medical
Not Rated
recovery center,  recovery center/drug & alcohol addition
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Wyoming Recovery

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