NorthWestern Energy

NorthWestern Energy

Contractors in Butte, MT

Contractors Propane & Natural Gas

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40 E Broadway St,
Butte , MT 59701 UNITED STATES

About NorthWestern Energy

NorthWestern Energy is an investor-owned utility and one of the largest providers of electricity and natural gas in the northwest quadrant of the United States. We serve approximately 668,300 customers – 400,500 electric and 267,800 natural gas – in Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska.
Our service territory size is one of the largest in the country. The foundation of NorthWestern’s energy business dates back to 1923, with the start of the utility operations in a few communities in South Dakota and Nebraska. Our electric system serves 297 communities and surrounding rural areas covering two-thirds of Montana, eastern South Dakota, and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Our natural gas system serves 169 communities and surrounding rural areas in Montana, South Dakota and central Nebraska. NorthWestern Energy has approximately 1,400 employees. Our corporate headquarters is in Sioux Falls, S.D., with operational headquarters in Butte, Mont., and Huron, S.D.


NorthWestern Energy 888-467-2669
40 E Broadway St,
Butte , MT 59701 UNITED STATES
NorthWestern Energy

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NorthWestern Energy
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