Los Nortenos Mexican Cafe

Los Nortenos Mexican Cafe

Restaurants in Bryan, TX

Restaurants Tex-Mex Restaurants

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205 S Main St,
Bryan , TX 77803 UNITED STATES


Los Nortenos Mexican Cafe 979-779-7337
205 S Main St,
Bryan , TX 77803 UNITED STATES
Los Nortenos Mexican Cafe 4

Based on 1 reviews

Los Nortenos Mexican Cafe 979-779-7337
205 S Main St,
Bryan , TX 77803 UNITED STATES
4 5

cha cha

Its more Tex-Mex than authentic Mexican food. Overall the food is decent and the prices are pretty fair. There's parking availble behind the venue.
posted at 07/02/10

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Los Nortenos Mexican Cafe
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Los Nortenos Mexican Cafe

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