Mr Mobile Lube

Mr Mobile Lube

Auto Repair in Boise, ID

Auto Repair

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500 East 43rd Street,
Boise , ID 83714 UNITED STATES

About Mr Mobile Lube

For more than 30 years residents of Garden City, Boise and the surrounding communities have been trusting Mr. Mobile Lube with all their needs for personal and fleet vehicle auto repair in Idaho. Our team is committed to providing the finest service, from start to finish, for all makes and models of import and domestic cars, trucks, SUVs, vans and light and heavy vehicles, including semi trucks. The crew of ASE certified technicians at Mr. Mobile Lube have years of experience solving the hardest automotive troubles, as well as conducting routine maintenances that ensure your vehicle will run well for hundreds of thousands of miles. Whether you need a simple oil change and tune up or complicated engine repair, transmission service or a brake job, we can do it all. If your car is due for auto maintenance or if you're experiencing some sort of car trouble give Mr. Mobile Lube a call to schedule professional auto repair in Garden City, Idaho.


Mr Mobile Lube 208-376-1666
500 East 43rd Street,
Boise , ID 83714 UNITED STATES
Mr Mobile Lube

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Mr Mobile Lube
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