Bland Street Auto Center

Bland Street Auto Center

Auto Repair in Bluefield, WV

Auto Repair Body Shops Gas & Service Stations

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1810 Bland St,
Bluefield , WV 24701 UNITED STATES


Bland Street Auto Center 304-327-5025
1810 Bland St,
Bluefield , WV 24701 UNITED STATES
Bland Street Auto Center 1

Based on 2 reviews

Bland Street Auto Center 304-327-5025
1810 Bland St,
Bluefield , WV 24701 UNITED STATES
1 5


Took my car there to have some tire work done. Not only did they mess up my brakes, but they ALSO STRIPPED COMPLETELY OUT the lug nuts on my car making my car DANGEROUS to drive I discovered! Oh and--- The clown they show on their local...
posted at 01/31/11
Bland Street Auto Center 304-327-5025
1810 Bland St,
Bluefield , WV 24701 UNITED STATES
1 5

Clowns not mechanics.

6 months later and the car isnt fixed. Well lets see. They did get the windshield changed, changed my muffler and the oil changed but they cant seem to fix electrical accessories and door handles. After 6 months and several attempts at my...
posted at 09/22/10

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Bland Street Auto Center
Auto Repair
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