Eye doctors & Optometrists in Birmingham, AL
Eye doctors & Optometrists
2700 10th Ave S Ste 404,
Birmingham ,
Dr. Susan H. Eiland, M.D., PC specializes in ophthalmology, the medical and surgical treatment of the eye and eye diseases. We perform a comprehensive set of eye services for patients of any age. Dr. Susan H. Eiland, M.D., PC has practiced in Birmingham for over 30 years and is an expert in cataract and refractive surgery. Dr. Susan H. Eiland performs a comprehensive array of services including treatment of cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease and eyelid problems. The office is conveniently located near at 2700 10th ave South Building #2 Suite 404 Birmingham AL. 35205. Accessable parking is available.
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