Haley Transmission

Haley Transmission

Auto Repair in Pelham, AL

Auto Repair

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2725 Pelham Parkway,
Pelham , AL 35124 UNITED STATES

About Haley Transmission

At Haley Transmission we have been offering professional transmission repair, rebuilding and computer diagnostic evaluation in Pelham, AL for over 38 years!
Haley Transmission will help you get your car back out on the road again quickly with exceptional repair and maintenance services.

We specialize in Automatic Transmission Repair, Transfer Cases, Clutches, Heavy Duty and High Performance Diesel Applications which is backed by over 38 years of solid professional experience.

Here at Haley Transmission we offer many free services including towing in conjunction with an overhaul, external transmission checkups, and computer diagnostics.

You will find that everyone here follows the golden rule...treat customers the way you want to be treated. Our staff follows this simple rule and over the years we have become one of the best transmission repair shops in Pelham, AL serving Hoover, Helena, Bessemer, N. Shelby, Alabaster, Montevallo, and the surrounding areas!
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Haley Transmission 205-664-8710
2725 Pelham Parkway,
Pelham , AL 35124 UNITED STATES
Haley Transmission

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Haley Transmission
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