Lynn Johnson Collision Repair

Lynn Johnson Collision Repair

Automotive in Pelham, AL

Automotive Auto Repair Auto Glass

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3398 Pelham Pkwy,
Pelham , AL 35124 UNITED STATES

About Lynn Johnson Collision Repair

At Lynn Johnson Collision Repair, all of our repairs have a guaranteed lifetime warranty for as long as you own the vehicle.
As our customer, you can rest assure that your auto paint and body needs are being met. We work on foreign and domestic cars and our team will work with you to find the best and most affordable solutions.
Our team is comprised by a collection of unique and complementary strengths, expertise and skills that guarantee high quality results and customer satisfaction.
We always treat our customers with honesty and respect, because your satisfaction is the measure of our success! For more information about our abilities, contact us today!

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Lynn Johnson Collision Repair 205-620-0054
3398 Pelham Pkwy,
Pelham , AL 35124 UNITED STATES
Lynn Johnson Collision Repair

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