Serra Chevrolet

Serra Chevrolet

Auto Dealers in Birmingham, AL

Auto Dealers

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1170 Centerpoint Parkway,
Birmingham , AL 35215 UNITED STATES

About Serra Chevrolet

Serra Chevrolet is a Chevrolet dealership located at 1170 Centerpoint Parkway. You can find GM parts, Chevy repair services, and new and used vehicles at this Birmingham auto dealer.


Serra Chevrolet 205-588-6611
1170 Centerpoint Parkway,
Birmingham , AL 35215 UNITED STATES
Serra Chevrolet 1

Based on 2 reviews

Serra Chevrolet 205-588-6611
1170 Centerpoint Parkway,
Birmingham , AL 35215 UNITED STATES
1 5

Crooks with out a gun

dwhdwh hit the nail on the head. I've bought 3 cars from Serra in Gardendale but Centerpoint are worse than the Mafia. They lie cheat & hold you until you ware down & just want to leave. The deal they made me was worse than the review...
posted at 08/08/11
Serra Chevrolet 205-588-6611
1170 Centerpoint Parkway,
Birmingham , AL 35215 UNITED STATES
1 5


THESE PEOPLE ARE CROOKS!! (And extremely rude ones too!)

Been looking to purchase a new 2011 Hyundai Elantra GLS, and shopped all around until I found Serra.

Had a sales person, Blake, who appeared extremely nice over the phone, and...
posted at 05/22/11

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Serra Chevrolet
Auto Dealers
1.0 (2 reviews)
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