Cheyenne Stage Stop BBQ

Cheyenne Stage Stop BBQ

Steakhouses in Kernville, CA


Contact us


16110 Sierra Way,
Kernville , CA 93238 UNITED STATES

About Cheyenne Stage Stop BBQ

Dennis and Vicki Harmening& family bring back the original menu from Ted "Cheyenne" Scott in Cheyenne Stage Stop BBQ. With Dennis behind the BbQ cooking up some of the tastiest steaks, seafood, chicken, ribs, tri-tip, sausages and so much more, we have the ideal dinner and BBQ steak house for you and your family to enjoy great food. Don't forget every Friday is Prime Rib and lobster night, so bring your friends with you for a night full of fun and enjoyment. We also offer fine beer and wine so don't miss out the opportunity to have a sip of our offerings. We are available for large parties so if you are looking for a place to celebrate birthdays, weddings, baptisms, graduation, anniversaries, or any other special events,come on down and celebrate with us. We promise you not only great food but also customer friendly service and ambiance that your guests will surely love. Just 3 miles up river from Kernville across from the Sequoia Lodge, Cheyenne Stage Stop BBQhas the best authentic BBQ around!!!!


Cheyenne Stage Stop BBQ 760-376-2902
16110 Sierra Way,
Kernville , CA 93238 UNITED STATES
Cheyenne Stage Stop BBQ

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Cheyenne Stage Stop BBQ

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