American Plumbing and Septic Service

American Plumbing and Septic Service

Contractors in Oxford, AL

Contractors Plumbers and Heating Technicians

Contact us


401 Hamric Dr W,
Oxford , AL 36203 UNITED STATES

About American Plumbing and Septic Service

At American Plumbing and Septic, we provide the utmost care for our customers. If you have a plumbing, septic, drain, or gas problem give us a call anytime. For your convenience, we provide 24-hour emergency services, free estimates, up front pricing, and available on weekends. No job is truly too big, or small. We have all equipment on hand, and respond in minutes not days.


American Plumbing and Septic Service 256-835-1810
401 Hamric Dr W,
Oxford , AL 36203 UNITED STATES
American Plumbing and Septic Service

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American Plumbing and Septic Service

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