Castro Village Shopping Center

Castro Village Shopping Center

Real Estate Agencies in Castro Valley, CA

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2516 San Carlos Ave,
Castro Valley , CA 94546 UNITED STATES

About Castro Village Shopping Center

As a full service real estate company Adams, Adams & Morris Inc. has spent over 30 years helping buyers, investors and tenants achieve their goals and dreams. Allow us to do the same for you.

Whether you're looking to buy or to sell, there are many decisions to make and different paths you can explore. Our various departments serve residential, commercial, and property management clients.


Castro Village Shopping Center 510-537-4314
2516 San Carlos Ave,
Castro Valley , CA 94546 UNITED STATES
Castro Village Shopping Center 2.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Castro Village Shopping Center 510-537-4314
2516 San Carlos Ave,
Castro Valley , CA 94546 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad, Bad, Bad!

I was living out of state and trusted my rentals to these guys. They sat vacant for a year while they nickel & dimed me. I fired them and found good renters for both places within a month from 3000 ...
posted at 10/29/10
Castro Village Shopping Center 510-537-4314
2516 San Carlos Ave,
Castro Valley , CA 94546 UNITED STATES
1 5

the worst

never rent from these people scam bag they always raise the rent if you late 5 days they evict you the garbage low life they are chrirstians love jesus christ if you late they evict like others use god's to make money they faith is the...
posted at 04/05/10
Castro Village Shopping Center 510-537-4314
2516 San Carlos Ave,
Castro Valley , CA 94546 UNITED STATES
5 5

franceline is wrong

i've been renting for addams addams and morris for 5 yrs and i have no complaints . when ever i need something to get fixed they come right away .so franceline maybe pay your rent on time next time
posted at 01/03/11

Detail information

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Castro Village Shopping Center
Real Estate Agencies
2.3 (3 reviews)
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Castro Village Shopping Center

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