Animal Motel

Animal Motel

Pets in Butler, WI


Contact us


13175 W Silver Spring Dr.,
Butler , WI 53007 UNITED STATES

About Animal Motel


Animal Motel 262-781-5200
13175 W Silver Spring Dr.,
Butler , WI 53007 UNITED STATES
Animal Motel 4.25

Based on 4 reviews

Animal Motel 262-781-5200
13175 W Silver Spring Dr.,
Butler , WI 53007 UNITED STATES
2 5


I worked there a few years ago. The owner and manager at the time were rude to both employees and customers. I saw no outright abuse, but the environment is low-class and needs some serious upgrading. They take on too many pets at a...
posted at 04/26/10
Animal Motel 262-781-5200
13175 W Silver Spring Dr.,
Butler , WI 53007 UNITED STATES
5 5


If you have a concern or complaint Please call and speak to Managment we wish to talk to you and resovle your complaint.\r
Thank you, \r
Animal Motel
posted at 06/18/10
Animal Motel 262-781-5200
13175 W Silver Spring Dr.,
Butler , WI 53007 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent Place

After reading the previously listed reviews I am schocked that anyone would rate Animal Motel at anything less than five stars. When boarding there I have always experienced exceptional customer service from the moment I walked in the...
posted at 12/19/10
Animal Motel 262-781-5200
13175 W Silver Spring Dr.,
Butler , WI 53007 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Boarding Experience!!

After reading the previously listed reviews I am schocked that anyone would rate Animal Motel at anything less than five stars. When boarding there I have always experienced exceptional customer service from the moment I walked in the...
posted at 12/19/10

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Animal Motel
4.3 (4 reviews)
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