Wilde Honda

Wilde Honda

Auto Dealers in Waukesha, WI

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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1603 E Moreland Blvd,
Waukesha , WI 53186 UNITED STATES

About Wilde Honda

Welcome to Wilde Honda, Milwaukee’s #1 volume Honda dealer (*per 2012 AHM records). Wilde Honda is your full service Honda dealer offering new Hondas, certified preowned Hondas, used car sales, Honda parts and accessories, financing and factory-trained service technicians. We believe that everyone should be treated like a guest in our home. This philosophy translates to exceptional service, money-saving specials and the latest Honda and pre-owned cars' inventory in the Milwaukee area. Visit wildehonda.com to see current new car specials and get money saving service coupons.


Wilde Honda 262-542-9300
1603 E Moreland Blvd,
Waukesha , WI 53186 UNITED STATES
Wilde Honda

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