Girard's Service Center

Girard's Service Center

Auto Repair in Franklin, WI

Auto Repair

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5517 W Rawson Ave.,
Franklin , WI 53132 UNITED STATES

About Girard's Service Center


Girard's Service Center 414-421-6202
5517 W Rawson Ave.,
Franklin , WI 53132 UNITED STATES
Girard's Service Center 4.2

Based on 5 reviews

Girard's Service Center 414-421-6202
5517 W Rawson Ave.,
Franklin , WI 53132 UNITED STATES
1 5


I failed my emissions test, so I needed to get my car checked out. I called Girard?s Auto Repair in Franklin and scheduled an appointment to drop off my car. The person I spoke with conveniently forgot to mention that there is a $94.50...
posted at 06/22/10
Girard's Service Center 414-421-6202
5517 W Rawson Ave.,
Franklin , WI 53132 UNITED STATES
5 5

Honest & Efficient

I know next to nothing about cars and am always wary about shady mechanics who take advantage of single females by finding 12 other things that "need" to be fixed.

No worries here! They listened politely while I told them the problem...
posted at 06/05/10
Girard's Service Center 414-421-6202
5517 W Rawson Ave.,
Franklin , WI 53132 UNITED STATES
5 5

Reliable and Reputable

I have been a customer of Girard's Service Center over 15 years, back to the time when the only garage was in South Milwaukee. Many years ago, I took my car in, telling the mechanic that I thought I needed brakes. He called after...
posted at 05/16/10
Girard's Service Center 414-421-6202
5517 W Rawson Ave.,
Franklin , WI 53132 UNITED STATES
5 5


These are the best and most honest people I have ever had work on my car. Our family has gone to Girards for over 20 years. Our kids have moved away and live out in western Waukesha County and still bring their cars back to Girards.
posted at 07/15/11
Girard's Service Center 414-421-6202
5517 W Rawson Ave.,
Franklin , WI 53132 UNITED STATES
5 5

Extra Good Care

On a Saturday morning and with no prior appointment, Girard's replaced a leaking brake caliper on our old 95 Camry under warranty and didn't even charge labor as they could have. The whole repair was free even though the original repair...
posted at 02/13/11

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Girard's Service Center
Auto Repair
4.2 (5 reviews)
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