Jim's Mobil Service

Jim's Mobil Service

Auto Repair in New Berlin, WI

Auto Repair

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12401 W Cleveland Ave.,
New Berlin , WI 53151 UNITED STATES

About Jim's Mobil Service


Jim's Mobil Service 262-786-1790
12401 W Cleveland Ave.,
New Berlin , WI 53151 UNITED STATES
Jim's Mobil Service 5

Based on 2 reviews

Jim's Mobil Service 262-786-1790
12401 W Cleveland Ave.,
New Berlin , WI 53151 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great service and great price

I have been to Jim's Mobil many times over the years and they have always been very helpful. Even when living far away I made sure that Jim's performed my service. I have been going there since my father recommended them after my first...
posted at 12/23/10
Jim's Mobil Service 262-786-1790
12401 W Cleveland Ave.,
New Berlin , WI 53151 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best service in town!

I have been going to Jim's Mobil for years and have always found them to be very honest and efficient. I've had my oil changed, snow tires, transmission fixed plus more and have always had great service. Would always recommend them!
posted at 10/02/10

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Jim's Mobil Service
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
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