Caliber Collision

Caliber Collision

Automotive in Franklin, WI

Automotive Auto Repair Auto Glass

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5525 W. Rawson,
Franklin , WI 53132 UNITED STATES

About Caliber Collision


Caliber Collision 414-421-5200
5525 W. Rawson,
Franklin , WI 53132 UNITED STATES
Caliber Collision 3

Based on 2 reviews

Caliber Collision 414-421-5200
5525 W. Rawson,
Franklin , WI 53132 UNITED STATES
1 5

Unhappy with service

I was in a small accident that required a new panel and paint. As I was picking up my jeep I noticed many scratches above the area that had been repaired, they did agree to buff them out but why had they not noticed these large scratches...
posted at 05/10/10
Caliber Collision 414-421-5200
5525 W. Rawson,
Franklin , WI 53132 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great experience!!!

This company handled my insurance claim flawless. They went above and beyond my expectations. Not only was the vehicle repaired in a timely manner the repairs were flawless color matched perfectly. They even cleaned my car inside and out!...
posted at 05/13/10

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Caliber Collision
3.0 (2 reviews)
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Caliber Collision

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