Uptown Ford Lincoln

Uptown Ford Lincoln

Auto Dealers in Milwaukee, WI

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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2111 N. Mayfair Rd,
Milwaukee , WI 53226 UNITED STATES

About Uptown Ford Lincoln

Uptown Ford Lincoln is a new and used car dealer serving Milwaukee, Wisconsin. If you are looking to buy a new car in Milwaukee, WI you have come to the right car dealership. Don't get caught in the games that other car dealers play. Get the respect and price you deserve from Uptown Ford Lincoln today. Whether you are in the market for a Ford, a Lincoln or a certified used car, Uptown Ford Lincoln can help you find the car that fits your needs. Quality Care is the difference between buying the car you love and loving the car you bought. It is the commitment of Uptown Ford Lincoln is to provide you with the highest level of service and support possible. In fact, Quality Care is one of the greatest advantages of owning an Uptown Ford Lincoln vehicle. Our dealership is committed to your complete satisfaction. Contact us today to experience the difference.


Uptown Ford Lincoln 414-771-9000
2111 N. Mayfair Rd,
Milwaukee , WI 53226 UNITED STATES
Uptown Ford Lincoln

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