Law Offices of Ann T. Wilson

Law Offices of Ann T. Wilson

Lawyers and Law Firms in Seattle, WA

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1420 5th Ave, #3000
Seattle , WA 98101 UNITED STATES

About Law Offices of Ann T. Wilson

Seattle attorney Ann T. Wilson practices in probate, and estate planning. Ms. Wilson is highly skilled in helping clients resolve probate disputes, such as trust contests, will contests and fiduciary disputes, through negotiation, TEDRA arbitration and mediation, and probate litigation. Attorney Ann T. Wilson can advise you on essential estate planning matters and help you prepare a plan that will cover all your needs and the needs of your loved ones.


Law Offices of Ann T. Wilson 206-625-0990
1420 5th Ave, #3000
Seattle , WA 98101 UNITED STATES
Law Offices of Ann T. Wilson 2.5

Based on 2 reviews

Law Offices of Ann T. Wilson 206-625-0990
1420 5th Ave, #3000
Seattle , WA 98101 UNITED STATES
1 5

Handle with extreme caution!

My BIG review will be coming down the pike eventually. It is best served cold, however, and all will be revealed. Meanwhile, any prospective clients, heed the wisdom herein: Beware of a lawyer who takes your money and then does what...
posted at 12/16/10
Law Offices of Ann T. Wilson 206-625-0990
1420 5th Ave, #3000
Seattle , WA 98101 UNITED STATES
4 5

Excellent Estate Planning Attorney

Ann is a noted estatee planning attorney with her own office. She focues on estaete planning and administration. A noted speaker who is excellent at weaving her many experiences into her planning discussions.
posted at 04/06/10

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