McKay General and Cosmetic Dentistry

McKay General and Cosmetic Dentistry

Dentists in Seattle, WA


Contact us


901 Boren Ave, 1940
Seattle , WA 98104 UNITED STATES

About McKay General and Cosmetic Dentistry

McKay General and Cosmetic dentistry is dedicated to providing patients with superior dental care. Our experienced team of dental professionals has undergone extensive training to be the best in their field. We offer advanced treatments in the areas of general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry. We make every effort to calm the fears many of you have about going to the dentist, and take pride in helping patients achieve their dream smile!


McKay General and Cosmetic Dentistry 206-381-3055
901 Boren Ave, 1940
Seattle , WA 98104 UNITED STATES
McKay General and Cosmetic Dentistry

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McKay General and Cosmetic Dentistry

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