CB Credit King

CB Credit King

Automotive in Seattle, WA

Automotive Auto Dealers Wholesalers

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10307 Lake City Way NE,
Seattle , WA 98125 UNITED STATES

About CB Credit King

CB Credit King in Seattle, WA offers used cars, trucks & SUVs to our customers near Seattle.


CB Credit King 206-523-8755
10307 Lake City Way NE,
Seattle , WA 98125 UNITED STATES
CB Credit King 4

Based on 1 reviews

CB Credit King 206-523-8755
10307 Lake City Way NE,
Seattle , WA 98125 UNITED STATES
4 5

Happy and Happy

My husband wanted his own ride, so we went to C & J auto sales and he bought his own truck. They have payment plans so he doesn't own it yet, the sales man was good, I didn't think he needed a truck but the sales man sold it to him, I...
posted at 02/14/10

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CB Credit King
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