Ritz Furniture Gallery

Ritz Furniture Gallery

Furniture in Lynnwood, WA


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20423 Hwy 99,
Lynnwood , WA 98036 UNITED STATES

About Ritz Furniture Gallery

In 1980, the company began as Ritz Emporium, a modest gift shop in Lynn-wood, Washington. For the past 25 years, our attention turned to furniture and relocated to our 30,000 square foot showroom. We focus on providing the finest inventory of home furnishings in our gallery and local warehouses. At our spacious showroom in Lynnwood, we provide the best collection of furniture from Broyhill, Klaussner, Best Inc. Victorian and French Provincial, and much more. You'll be amazed by our vast selection of furniture, tables, chairs, sofas, power-lift chairs, dining sets, and recliners. At the Ritz Furniture Gallery we also carry an array of home furnishings and accessories. Visit our 30,000 square foot showroom today to view our full inventory, and ask about our Fall COUPONS and SPECIAL OFFERS. Our experienced and welcoming staff are here to help design the perfect room for your house. Find a piece to fit your home's style with our quality brands of bedroom, dining room, living room, and upholstered furniture. At the Ritz Furniture Gallery, we offer the largest collection of major brand Power-Lift Recliners including Ultra Comfort Solution, Berkline, Best Home Furnishings, and Catnapper. Browse through this small sample of images from our large collection of pieces. we carry the largest selection of Dutailer Glider Chairs and Recliners the north end of the Seattle area. Look through our small sample of glider and ottoman combos that give an easy and comforting glide motion perfect for relaxation or nursing. We also have an excellent selection of mattress and box spring sets from top manufacturers. From traditional style to contemporary and transitional pieces, the Ritz Furniture Gallery has a great selection and great prices. We carry full sets of dining room tables and breakfast tables, side chairs, arm chairs, china cabinets and hutches from great companies like Basset, Master Design, and many more. Fullfill your dreams of having a beautiful and elegant french and victorian pieces. Find the best Victorian and French provincial collection at Ritz Furniture Gallery. We carry a full line of formal Victorian reproduction pieces from Carlton McLendon. Visit our 30,000 square foot showroom on Highway 99, south of the Mercedes-Benz of Lynnwood and across from the Lexus dealership. Find out how our welcoming and knowledgeable team can meet your decorating needs.


Ritz Furniture Gallery 425-774-8800
20423 Hwy 99,
Lynnwood , WA 98036 UNITED STATES
Ritz Furniture Gallery

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Ritz Furniture Gallery

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