K. D. Scholten Co.

K. D. Scholten Co.

Advertising and Design Services in El Paso, TX

Advertising and Design Services Fire Places and Chimney Appliances

Contact us


7365 Remcon Cir, A-106
El Paso , TX 79912 UNITED STATES

About K. D. Scholten Co.

We specialize in commercial construction and residential construction. Some of our more notable items that we offer include: electric fireplaces, flagpoles, stoves, skylights, outdoor fire pits, signage and gas logs. In addition to those items, we also sell other hearth and barbecue products. And we would like you to know that we offer installation for all commercial products that we have available.


K. D. Scholten Co. 915-833-1452
7365 Remcon Cir, A-106
El Paso , TX 79912 UNITED STATES
K. D. Scholten Co.

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K. D. Scholten Co.
Advertising and Design Services
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K. D. Scholten Co.

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