Alaniz & Perez Tire Pros

Alaniz & Perez Tire Pros

Auto Repair in Beeville, TX

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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711 S Saint Marys St,
Beeville , TX 78102 UNITED STATES

About Alaniz & Perez Tire Pros

Alaniz & Perez Garage offers Michelin®, BFGoodrich®, Uniroyal®, and other tire brands. We also offer custom wheels, auto repair services including: brake service, oil change, state inspection, and other auto service. We are located in Beeville, TX and service customers in the Goliad, TX, Refugio, TX, Woodsboro, TX, Skidmore, TX, Alice, TX, George West, TX, Kenedy, TX and Three Rivers, TX areas. Sop by and see us today!


Alaniz & Perez Tire Pros 361-358-2318
711 S Saint Marys St,
Beeville , TX 78102 UNITED STATES
Alaniz & Perez Tire Pros 2.5

Based on 2 reviews

Alaniz & Perez Tire Pros 361-358-2318
711 S Saint Marys St,
Beeville , TX 78102 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great service

Great service! After he moved, my grandfather used to drive over an hour to keep going there! They still have the same excellent quality of service.
posted at 01/22/11
Alaniz & Perez Tire Pros 361-358-2318
711 S Saint Marys St,
Beeville , TX 78102 UNITED STATES
1 5


Dont take your automobile to this garage they will just rip you off, you take it in and expect them to fix it and they call you back and tell you they dont have the equipment then charge some crazy price for a part you didnt even need....
posted at 01/27/10

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Alaniz & Perez Tire Pros
Auto Repair
2.5 (2 reviews)
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Alaniz & Perez Tire Pros

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