Ripon Auto Center

Ripon Auto Center

Auto Repair in Ripon, CA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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212 E Main St,
Ripon , CA 95366 UNITED STATES

About Ripon Auto Center

Take care of your car with services from the auto mechanics at Ripon Auto Center in Ripon, California. We are an independent automotive service center with an expertise in diagnostics. Additionally, we offer vehicle maintenance, service, and repair from major auto repair and brake service to transmission work. In business since 1979, we are known as the complete car care center. We have the ability to work on the latest models and stay ahead of the technology curve. Our mechanics receive ongoing training. We care about the cars, as well as our customers, and treat all clients as part of our extended family. Moreover, our company services cars for families throughout multiple generations. We always provide reasonable rates. Contact us in Ripon, California, for more information about services from our auto mechanics.


Ripon Auto Center 209-599-3767
212 E Main St,
Ripon , CA 95366 UNITED STATES
Ripon Auto Center 5

Based on 1 reviews

Ripon Auto Center 209-599-3767
212 E Main St,
Ripon , CA 95366 UNITED STATES
5 5

At last, an honest mechanic!

I have been taking all of my vehicles to Ripon Auto for about 6 years, and have never had a bad experience. The pricing is very fair considering the thoroughness and quality of the work, and the owners and staff are friendly and helpful....
posted at 04/13/10

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Ripon Auto Center
Auto Repair
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