Kid-E-Shack Lakeway

Kid-E-Shack Lakeway

Child Care and Day Care Centers in Lakeway, TX

Child Care and Day Care Centers

Contact us


1508 Ranch Road 620 S, 103
Lakeway , TX 78734 UNITED STATES

About Kid-E-Shack Lakeway

Our drop-in child care center allows your child to enjoy a wide range of activities with great supervision and flexible pick-up times, allowing you time for errands, appointments, emergencies, or date night. We offer crafts and games for all ages, from eighteen months to fourteen years old.

We have the most qualified staff, requiring a background check and twenty-five hours of annual child care development training. And, each staff member is certified in first aid and CPR.

When you are in need of drop-in day care services, contact us!


Kid-E-Shack Lakeway 512-402-0077
1508 Ranch Road 620 S, 103
Lakeway , TX 78734 UNITED STATES
Kid-E-Shack Lakeway

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Kid-E-Shack Lakeway
Child Care and Day Care Centers
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Kid-E-Shack Lakeway

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