Renson Automotive

Renson Automotive

Auto Dealers in Campbell, CA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

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1436 White Oaks Rd #9, #9
Campbell , CA 95008 UNITED STATES

About Renson Automotive

Renson Automotive, Inc. offers a variety of repair services to Santa Clara County drivers, including smog tests, brake systems, fuel injections, engine and computer systems, steering and suspensions, air conditioning, clutch adjustment and replacement, cooling systems, engines and transmissions, and electrical systems. It specializes in using state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to perform accurate assessments of any system within a car.

resident Bill Faulconer has been in the automotive industry since 1977 and took over operations of Renson Automotive in 1986. Mr. Faulconer has completed many customer service and automotive business courses, and he says he’s dedicated to providing quality workmanship and unmatched customer service. Renson Automotive maintains a comprehensive database of manufacturers’ service requirements, which it refers to when performing services based on vehicle mileage. The shop is also AAA-approved and a member of the Automotive Service Councils of California.


Renson Automotive 408-377-8113
1436 White Oaks Rd #9, #9
Campbell , CA 95008 UNITED STATES
Renson Automotive

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