P R Motorsports

P R Motorsports

Auto Repair in Hayward, CA

Auto Repair Auto Inspection Stations (emissions)

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19845 Cabot Blvd,
Hayward , CA 94545 UNITED STATES

About P R Motorsports

Make sure to call P R Motorsports if you are in need of a top Hayward, CA Auto Repair shop. Our experienced team can handle any kind of repairs from collision damage to transmissions.


P R Motorsports 510-244-2805
19845 Cabot Blvd,
Hayward , CA 94545 UNITED STATES
P R Motorsports 4

Based on 1 reviews

P R Motorsports 510-244-2805
19845 Cabot Blvd,
Hayward , CA 94545 UNITED STATES
4 5

AAA+++ ... Absolutely the Best

Rick, Laura & Hector are absolutely incredible and I can't recommend them highly enough!!!

If you value Trust, Integrity & Excellence and your car needs service, don't take it anywhere else but PR Motorsports.

The #1 priority for Rick &...
posted at 01/08/10

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P R Motorsports
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