Honda of Hayward

Honda of Hayward

Auto Dealers in Hayward, CA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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24919 Mission Blvd,
Hayward , CA 94544 UNITED STATES

About Honda of Hayward

Experience a new way to buy and service your vehicle. As a Sonic Automotive Premier Dealership, our inventory comes with Sonic Price, eliminating the time-consuming negotiation process and delivering you an exceptional deal.


Honda of Hayward 877-201-7612
24919 Mission Blvd,
Hayward , CA 94544 UNITED STATES
Honda of Hayward 3.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Honda of Hayward 877-201-7612
24919 Mission Blvd,
Hayward , CA 94544 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great salesman

I purchased my Honda Oddessey her and I love it. I was able to get a great deal on my van. The sales man was nice and the place was...
posted at 06/22/10
Honda of Hayward 877-201-7612
24919 Mission Blvd,
Hayward , CA 94544 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great salesman

I purchased my Honda Oddessey her and I love it. I was able to get a great deal on my van. The sales man was nice and the place was clean.
posted at 06/21/10
Honda of Hayward 877-201-7612
24919 Mission Blvd,
Hayward , CA 94544 UNITED STATES
2 5

Service Hard Sell

I had very good experiences with Hayward Honda until my last visit. I was told I needed service which was not indicated in my owner's manual. I questioned it and was told I would invalidate my warranty if I did not have the service. ...
posted at 11/09/10

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Honda of Hayward
Auto Dealers
3.3 (3 reviews)
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Honda of Hayward

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