David I. Tasker MD PA

David I. Tasker MD PA

Eye doctors & Optometrists in San Antonio, TX

Eye doctors & Optometrists Law and Courts

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17415 Canyon Hollow,
San Antonio , TX 78248 UNITED STATES

About David I. Tasker MD PA

Over 15 years traveling all over Texas solving medical eye injury and disability questions. Our office for over 20 years has been involved in the diagnosis and management of patients with disabilities from injury or disease. We have been involved in evaluating impairment for insurance claims that affect future payments for the injury or disability as a result of accidents, injuries, or disease.


David I. Tasker MD PA 210-496-0496
17415 Canyon Hollow,
San Antonio , TX 78248 UNITED STATES
David I. Tasker MD PA

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David I. Tasker MD PA
Eye doctors & Optometrists
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