Frontier Ford

Frontier Ford

Auto Dealers in Santa Clara, CA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair

Contact us


3701 Stevens Creek Boulevard,
Santa Clara , CA 95051 UNITED STATES

About Frontier Ford

Frontier Ford is a premier Ford dealership located in Santa Clara, California. We have a wide selection of new and certified pre-owned Ford cars, trucks and SUVs, including the Ford Focus, Ford Mustang, Ford Fiesta and the popular Ford F-150. Whether you're searching for a compact car or a full-size pickup, we have everything you need. Our lot also features a state-of-the-art Ford service center run by factory trained technicians who can repair your car in a cinch. Our certified mechanics are equipped to repair all vehicle makes and models, new and old cars, imports and domestics. So visit us today to explore our lineup of vehicles in person or schedule an appointment with us for your next auto repair.


Frontier Ford 408-533-1488
3701 Stevens Creek Boulevard,
Santa Clara , CA 95051 UNITED STATES
Frontier Ford

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