Global Chiropractic

Global Chiropractic

Chiropractors in Allen, TX


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939 W Stacy Rd, #180
Allen , TX 75013 UNITED STATES

About Global Chiropractic

Global Chiropractic, led by Dr. Michael P. Wojnicki, Doctor of Chiropractic, provides chiropractic care, meridian therapy, and functional health and wellness care to patients in the North Dallas area of Texas. At his Allen, TX location, Dr. Wojnicki treats patients with chiropractic adjustments, meridian therapy, preventative care, and functional health care for both proactive health care and to relieve symptoms, conditions, or pain without expensive medications or invasive treatments with advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology. Every person's needs and goals when receiving chiropractic care are unique, therefore everyone will a customized wellness plan that is created after a thorough examination. The purpose of the functional health care and wellness program at Global Chiropractic is for patients to achieve good spinal alignment, have a healthy diet, exercise, and maintain a positive mental state so patients in the North Texas area can live their fullest life.


Global Chiropractic 214-651-4120
939 W Stacy Rd, #180
Allen , TX 75013 UNITED STATES
Global Chiropractic

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