Community Kia

Community Kia

Auto Dealers in Baytown, TX

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

Contact us


4221 East Fwy,
Baytown , TX 77521 UNITED STATES

About Community Kia

The Community Mission is to make the car buying or servicing experience a pleasurable one for our customers. In addition, Community Kia hopes to lead by example in bringing integrity and respectability to the image of car dealers everywhere.


Community Kia 832-612-3807
4221 East Fwy,
Baytown , TX 77521 UNITED STATES
Community Kia 4.6666666666667

Based on 6 reviews

Community Kia 832-612-3807
4221 East Fwy,
Baytown , TX 77521 UNITED STATES
4 5

I love my Kia Soul.

I enjoyed the treatment I received and loved the way they really worked hard to get me what I wanted. I love my new Kia Soul 2011. I also got a good deal. \r
posted at 01/30/11
Community Kia 832-612-3807
4221 East Fwy,
Baytown , TX 77521 UNITED STATES
5 5

Fair Deal

They were fair and honest. That is what I am looking for when buying a new vehicle.
posted at 07/11/11
Community Kia 832-612-3807
4221 East Fwy,
Baytown , TX 77521 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great buying experience

Our salesman answered all of our questions and didn't push us at all. He was polite and a very good salesman
posted at 06/15/11
Community Kia 832-612-3807
4221 East Fwy,
Baytown , TX 77521 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great car buying experience

Most enjoyable car experience I have ever had. I would highly recommend this dealership and the new 2011 Kia Optima, both are very classy. I was treated with respect, politness, and given honest and fair price on a car that is truly a...
posted at 01/25/11
Community Kia 832-612-3807
4221 East Fwy,
Baytown , TX 77521 UNITED STATES
4 5

I love my Kia Soul.

I enjoyed the treatment I received and loved the way they really worked hard to get me what I wanted. I love my new Kia Soul 2011. I also got a good deal. \r
posted at 01/29/11
Community Kia 832-612-3807
4221 East Fwy,
Baytown , TX 77521 UNITED STATES
5 5


Straightforward, no games, perfect. I absolutely Love my new Rio and AL really knows how to make a girl and the whole experience feel special
posted at 04/01/11

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Community Kia
Auto Dealers
4.7 (6 reviews)
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